Student-led publications
Whitaker H.V. & T.M. DeCarlo (2024). Re(de)fining Degree-Heating Week: Coral Bleaching Variability Necessitates Regional and Temporal Optimization of Global Forecast Model Stress Metrics. Coral Reefs.
Mantanona H.C. & T.M. DeCarlo (2023). Coral growth persistence amidst bleaching events. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
Mantanona H.C. & T.M. DeCarlo (2023). Coral growth persistence amidst bleaching events. Limnology and Oceanography Letters.
All other publications
Henley B.J., McGregor H.V., King A.D., Hoegh-Guldberg O., Arzey A.K., Karoly D.J., Lough J., DeCarlo T.M., & B.K. Linsley (2024). Highest ocean heat in four centuries places Great Barrier Reef in danger. Nature 632, 320-326.
Chen W-H., Ren H., Chiang J.C.H., Wang Y-L., Cai-Li R-Y, Chen Y-C., Shen C-C., Taylor F.W., DeCarlo T.M., Wu C-R., Mii H-S., & X.T. Wang (2023). Increased tropical South Pacific western boundary current transport over the past century. Nature Geoscience. 10.1038/s41561-023-01212-4
Dee S., DeCarlo T.M., Lozic I., Nilsen J., & N.K. Browne (2023). Low Bioerosion Rates on Inshore Turbid Reefs of Western Australia. Diversity 15, 62.
Vega Thurber R., …, DeCarlo T.M., …, et al. [29 authors]. Unified methods in collecting, preserving, and archiving coral bleaching and restoration specimens to increase sample utility and interdisciplinary collaboration. PeerJ 10:e14176.
van Woesik R., …, DeCarlo T.M., …, et al. [28 authors] (2022). Coral-bleaching responses to climate change across biological scales. Global Change Biology 28, 4229-4250.
Farfan A.F., Apprill A., DeCarlo T.M., Post J.E., Waller R.G., & C.M. Hansel (2021). Crystallographic and chemical signatures in coral skeletal aragonite. Coral Reefs 41, 19-34.
DeCarlo T.M., Carvalho S., Gajdzik L., Hardenstine R.S., Tanabe L.K., Villalobos R., & M.L. Berumen (2021). Patterns, drivers, and ecological implications of upwelling in coral reef habitats of the southern Red Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 126, e2020JC016493.
Browne N.K., Cuttler M., Moon K., Morgan K., Ross C.L., Castro-Sanguino C., Kennedy E., Harris D., Barnes P., Bauman A., Beetham E., Bonesso J., Bozec Y-M., Cornwall C.E., Dee S., DeCarlo T.M., D’Olivo J.P., Doropoulos C., Evans R.D., Eyre B., Gatenby P., Gonzalez M., Hamylton S., Hansen J., Lowe R., Mallela J., O’Leary M., Roff G., Saunders B., & A. Zweilfer (2021). Predicting responses of reefs and reef-fronted shorelines to climate change: development of a geo-ecological carbonate reef system model. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 59, 229-370.
Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., Kornder N.A., Perry C.T., van Hooidonk R., DeCarlo T.M., Pratchett M.S., Anderson K.D., Browne N., Carpenter R., Diaz-Pulido G., D’Olivo J.P., Doo S., Figueiredo J., Fortunato S.A.V., Kennedy E., Lantz C.A., McCulloch M.T., Gonzalez-Rivero M., Schoepf V., Smithers S.G., & R. Lowe (2021). Global declines in coral reef calcium carbonate production under ocean acidification and warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2015265118.
Gajdzik L., DeCarlo T.M., Koziol A.L., Mousavi-Derazmahalleh M., Coghlan M, Power M.W., Bunce M., Fairclough D.V., Travers M.J., Moore G.I., & J.D. DiBattista (2021). Climate-assisted persistence of tropical fish vagrants in temperate marine ecosystems. Communications Biology 4, 1231.
Yan Y-T., Chua S., DeCarlo T.M., Kempf P., Morgan K.M., & A.D. Switzer (2021) Core-CT: A MATLAB application for the quantitative analysis of sediment and coral cores from X-ray computed tomography (CT). Computers and Geosciences 156, 104871.
Hammerman N.M., Rodriguez-Ramirez A., Staples T.L., DeCarlo T.M., Saderne V., Roff G., Leonard N., Zhao J-X., Rossbach S., Havlik M.N., Duarte C.M., & J.M. Pandolfi (2021). Variable response of Red Sea coral communities to recent disturbance events along a latitudinal gradient. Marine Biology 168, 177.
Gajdzik L., DeCarlo T.M., Aylagas E., Coker D.J., Green A.L., Majoris J.E., Saderne V.F., Carvalho S., & M.L. Berumen (2021). A portfolio of climate-tailored approaches to advance the design of marine protected areas in the Red Sea. Global Change Biology 27, 3956-3968.
DeCarlo T.M. (2020). The past century of coral bleaching in the Saudi Arabian central Red Sea. PeerJ 8, e10200.
DeCarlo T.M. (2020). Treating coral bleaching as weather: a framework to validate and optimize prediction skill. PeerJ 8, e9449.
DeCarlo T.M., Gajdzik L., Ellis J., Coker D.J., Roberts M.B., Hammerman N.M., Pandolfi J.M., Monroe A.A. & M.L. Berumen (2020). Nutrient-supplying ocean currents modulate coral bleaching susceptibility. Science Advances 6, eabc5493.
Reid E.C., Lentz S.J., DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., and K.A. Davis (2020). Physical processes determine spatial structure in water temperature and residence time on a wide reef flat. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 125, e2020JC016543.
Cavole L.M., & T.M. DeCarlo (2020). Early evidence of heat-induced coral bleaching in the Galápagos Islands. Reef Encounter 35, 68-72.
Davis K.A., Arthur R.S., Reid E.C., Rogers J.S., Fringer O.B., DeCarlo T.M., & A.L. Cohen (2020). Fate of internal waves on a shallow shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 125, e2019JC015377.
Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., DeCarlo T.M., Larcombe E., Moore B., Giltrow K., Puerzer F., D’Alexis Q., & M.T. McCulloch (2020). A coralline alga gains tolerance to ocean acidification over multiple generations of exposure. Nature Climate Change 10, 143-146.
DeCarlo T.M. & H.B. Harrison (2019). An enigmatic decoupling between heat stress and coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. PeerJ 7, e7473.
DeCarlo T.M., Harrison H.B., Gajdzik L., Alaguarda D., Rodolfo-Metalpa R., D’Olivo J., Liu G., Patalwala D., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Acclimatization of massive reef-building corals to consecutive heatwaves. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 20190235.
DeCarlo T.M., Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., Gajdzik L., Guagliardo P., Sadekov P., Thillainath E.C., Trotter J., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Investigating marine bio-calcification mechanisms in a changing ocean with in vivo and high-resolution ex vivo Raman spectroscopy. Global Change Biology 25, 1877-1888.
DeCarlo T.M., Ross C., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Diurnal cycles of coral calcifying fluid aragonite saturation state. Marine Biology 166, 28.
Smallhorn-West P.F., Garvin J.B., Slayback D.A., DeCarlo T.M., Gordon S.E., Fitzgerald S.H., Halafihi T., Jones G.P., & T.C.L. Bridge (2019). Coral reef annihilation, persistence and recovery at Earth’s youngest volcanic island. Coral Reefs 39, 529-536.
D’Olivo J.P., Ellwood G., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Deconvolving the long-term impacts of ocean acidification and warming on coral biomineralisation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 526, 115785.
Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., Pupier C.A., DeCarlo T.M., Alessi C., Trehern R., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Flow-driven micro-scale pH variability affects the physiology of corals and coralline algae under ocean acidification. Scientific Reports 9, 12829.
Ross C., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Calibration of Sr/Ca, Li/Mg, and Sr-U Paleothermometry in Branching and Foliose Corals. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34, 1271-1291.
Reid E., DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Wong G.T.F., Lentz S., Safaie A., Hall A., & K.A. Davis (2019) Internal waves influence the thermal and nutrient environment on a shallow coral reef. Limnology and Oceanography 64, 1949-1965.
Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., DeCarlo T.M., Doo S.S., Carpenter R.C., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Resistance to ocean acidification in coral reef taxa is not gained by acclimatization. Nature Climate Change 9, 477-483.
Mollica N.R., Cohen A.L., Alpert A.E., Barkley H.C., Brainard R.E., Carilli J.E., DeCarlo T.M., Drenkard E.J., Lohmann P., Mangubhai S., Pietro K.R., Rivera H.E., Rotjan R.D., Scott-Buechler C., Solow A.R., & C.W. Young (2019). Skeletal records of bleaching reveal different thermal thresholds of Pacific coral reef assemblages. Coral Reefs 38, 743-757.
D'Olivo J.P., Georgiou L., Falter J., DeCarlo T.M., Irigoien X., Voolstra C.R., Roder C., Trotter J., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Long-term impacts of the 1997-1998 bleaching event on the growth and resilience of massive Porites corals from the central Red Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 2019GC008312.
DeCarlo T.M. (2018). Characterizing coral skeleton mineralogy with Raman spectroscopy. Nature Communications 9, 5325.
DeCarlo T.M., Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Coral resistance to ocean acidification linked to increased calcium at the site of calcification. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20180564.
DeCarlo T.M., Farfan G., & H. Ren (2018). The origin and role of organic matrix in coral calcification: insights from comparing coral skeleton and abiogenic aragonite. Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 170.
DeCarlo T.M., Holcomb M., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Reviews and syntheses: Revisiting the boron systematics of aragonite and their application to coral calcification. Biogeosciences 15, 2819-2834.
Farfan G.A., Cordes E.E., Waller R.G., DeCarlo T.M., & C.M. Hansel (2018). Mineralogy of deep-sea coral aragonites as a function of aragonite saturation state. Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 473.
Ross C.L., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Environmental and physiochemical controls on coral calcification along a latitudinal temperature gradient in Western Australia. Global Change Biology 25, 431-447.
Barkley H.C., Cohen A.L., Mollica N.R., Brainard R.E., Rivera H.E., DeCarlo T.M., Lohmann G.P., Drenkard E.J., Alpert A.E., Young C.W., Vargas-Angel B., Lino K.C., Oliver T.A., Pietro K.R., & V.H. Luu (2018). Repeat bleaching of a central Pacific coral reef over the past six decades (1960-2016). Communications Biology 1, 177.
Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., DeCarlo T.M., Moore B., D’Alexis Q., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Resistance of corals and coralline algae to ocean acidification: physiological control of calcification under natural pH variability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20181168.
Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., DeCarlo T.M., Krieger E., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Similar controls on calcification under ocean acidification across unrelated reef taxa. Global Change Biology 24, 4857-4868.
Ross C.L., Schoepf V., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Mechanisms and seasonal drivers of calcification in the temperate coral Turbinaria reniformis at its latitudinal limits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20180215.
DeCarlo T.M., D’Olivo J.P., Foster T., Holcomb M., Becker T., & M.T. McCulloch (2017). Coral calcifying fluid aragonite saturation states derived from Raman spectroscopy. Biogeosciences 14, 5253-5269.
DeCarlo T.M. & A.L. Cohen (2017). Dissepiments, density bands and signatures of thermal stress in Porites skeletons. Coral Reefs 36, 749-761.
DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Wong G.T.F., Davis K.A., Lohmann P., & K. Soong (2017). Mass coral mortality under local amplification of 2°C ocean warming. Scientific Reports 7, 44586.
DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Wong G.T.F., Shiah F.K., Lentz S.J., Davis K.A., Shamberger K.E.F., & P. Lohmann (2017). Community production modulates coral reef pH and the sensitivity of ecosystem calcification to ocean acidification. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 122, 745-761. *Selected for AGU “Editor’s Highlights” section
DeCarlo T.M. (2017). Deriving coral skeletal density from computed tomography (CT): effects of scan and reconstruction settings. Matters Select.
Gajdzik L., & T.M. DeCarlo (2017). The perfect calm: reoccurring mass die-offs on a remote coral atoll. Matters.
Alpert A.E., Cohen A.L., Oppo D.W., DeCarlo T.M., Gaetani G.A., Hernandez-Delgado E.A., Winter A., & M.E. Gonneea (2017). Twentieth century warming of the tropical Atlantic captured by Sr-U paleothermometry. Paleoceanography 32, 146-160.
Lentz S.J., Davis K.A., Churchill J.H., & T.M. DeCarlo (2017). Coral reef drag coefficients – water depth dependence. Journal of Physical Oceanography 47, 1061-1075.
Ren H., Chen Y-C., Wang X.T., Wong G.T.F., Cohen A.L., DeCarlo T.M., Weigand M.A., Mii H-S., & D.M. Sigman (2017). 21st Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on a Remote Coral Reef. Science 356, 749-752.
Gonneea M.E., Cohen A.L., DeCarlo T.M., & M.A. Charette (2017). Relationship between water and aragonite barium concentrations in aquaria reared juvenile corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 209, 123-134.
Silbiger N.J. & T.M. DeCarlo (2017). Comment on “Bioerosion: the other ocean acidification problem”: on field studies and mechanisms. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74, 2489-2493.
Pan X., Wong G.T.F., DeCarlo T.M., Tai J-H., & A.L. Cohen (2017). Validation of the remotely sensed nighttime sea surface temperature in the shallow waters at the Dongsha Atoll. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 28, 517-524.
DeCarlo T.M., Gaetani G.A., Cohen A.L., Foster G.L., Alpert A.E., & J. Stewart (2016). Coral Sr-U Thermometry. Paleoceanography 31, 626-638.
Holcomb M., DeCarlo T.M., & M. McCulloch (2016). Factors affecting B/Ca ratios in synthetic aragonite. Chemical Geology 437, 67-76.
Alpert A.E., Cohen A.L., Oppo W.D., DeCarlo T.M., Gove J.M., & C.W. Young (2016). Comparison of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature variability and trends with Sr/Ca records from multiple corals. Paleoceanography 31, 252-265.
DeCarlo T.M., Gaetani G.A., Holcomb M. & A.L. Cohen (2015). Experimental determination of factors controlling U/Ca of aragonite precipitated from seawater: implications for interpreting coral skeleton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 162, 151-165.
DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Barkley H.C., Cobban Q., Young C., Shamberger K.E., Brainard R.E., & Y. Golbuu (2015). Coral macrobioerosion is accelerated by ocean acidification and nutrients. Geology 43, 7-10.
DeCarlo T.M., Karnauskas K.B., Davis K.A., & G.T.F. Wong. (2015). Climate modulates internal wave activity in the Northern South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 831-838.
Barkley H.C., Cohen A.L., Golbuu Y., Starczak V.R., DeCarlo T.M., & K.E.F. Shamberger (2015). Changes in coral reef communities across a natural gradient in seawater pH. Science Advances 1, e1500328.
Holcomb M., DeCarlo T.M., Schoepf V., Dissard D., Tanaka K., & M. McCulloch. (2015). Cleaning and pre-treatment procedures for biogenic and synthetic calcium carbonate powders for determination of elemental and boron isotopic compositions. Chemical Geology 398, 11-21.
Chen W-H., Ren H., Chiang J.C.H., Wang Y-L., Cai-Li R-Y, Chen Y-C., Shen C-C., Taylor F.W., DeCarlo T.M., Wu C-R., Mii H-S., & X.T. Wang (2023). Increased tropical South Pacific western boundary current transport over the past century. Nature Geoscience. 10.1038/s41561-023-01212-4
Dee S., DeCarlo T.M., Lozic I., Nilsen J., & N.K. Browne (2023). Low Bioerosion Rates on Inshore Turbid Reefs of Western Australia. Diversity 15, 62.
Vega Thurber R., …, DeCarlo T.M., …, et al. [29 authors]. Unified methods in collecting, preserving, and archiving coral bleaching and restoration specimens to increase sample utility and interdisciplinary collaboration. PeerJ 10:e14176.
van Woesik R., …, DeCarlo T.M., …, et al. [28 authors] (2022). Coral-bleaching responses to climate change across biological scales. Global Change Biology 28, 4229-4250.
Farfan A.F., Apprill A., DeCarlo T.M., Post J.E., Waller R.G., & C.M. Hansel (2021). Crystallographic and chemical signatures in coral skeletal aragonite. Coral Reefs 41, 19-34.
DeCarlo T.M., Carvalho S., Gajdzik L., Hardenstine R.S., Tanabe L.K., Villalobos R., & M.L. Berumen (2021). Patterns, drivers, and ecological implications of upwelling in coral reef habitats of the southern Red Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 126, e2020JC016493.
Browne N.K., Cuttler M., Moon K., Morgan K., Ross C.L., Castro-Sanguino C., Kennedy E., Harris D., Barnes P., Bauman A., Beetham E., Bonesso J., Bozec Y-M., Cornwall C.E., Dee S., DeCarlo T.M., D’Olivo J.P., Doropoulos C., Evans R.D., Eyre B., Gatenby P., Gonzalez M., Hamylton S., Hansen J., Lowe R., Mallela J., O’Leary M., Roff G., Saunders B., & A. Zweilfer (2021). Predicting responses of reefs and reef-fronted shorelines to climate change: development of a geo-ecological carbonate reef system model. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 59, 229-370.
Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., Kornder N.A., Perry C.T., van Hooidonk R., DeCarlo T.M., Pratchett M.S., Anderson K.D., Browne N., Carpenter R., Diaz-Pulido G., D’Olivo J.P., Doo S., Figueiredo J., Fortunato S.A.V., Kennedy E., Lantz C.A., McCulloch M.T., Gonzalez-Rivero M., Schoepf V., Smithers S.G., & R. Lowe (2021). Global declines in coral reef calcium carbonate production under ocean acidification and warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2015265118.
Gajdzik L., DeCarlo T.M., Koziol A.L., Mousavi-Derazmahalleh M., Coghlan M, Power M.W., Bunce M., Fairclough D.V., Travers M.J., Moore G.I., & J.D. DiBattista (2021). Climate-assisted persistence of tropical fish vagrants in temperate marine ecosystems. Communications Biology 4, 1231.
Yan Y-T., Chua S., DeCarlo T.M., Kempf P., Morgan K.M., & A.D. Switzer (2021) Core-CT: A MATLAB application for the quantitative analysis of sediment and coral cores from X-ray computed tomography (CT). Computers and Geosciences 156, 104871.
Hammerman N.M., Rodriguez-Ramirez A., Staples T.L., DeCarlo T.M., Saderne V., Roff G., Leonard N., Zhao J-X., Rossbach S., Havlik M.N., Duarte C.M., & J.M. Pandolfi (2021). Variable response of Red Sea coral communities to recent disturbance events along a latitudinal gradient. Marine Biology 168, 177.
Gajdzik L., DeCarlo T.M., Aylagas E., Coker D.J., Green A.L., Majoris J.E., Saderne V.F., Carvalho S., & M.L. Berumen (2021). A portfolio of climate-tailored approaches to advance the design of marine protected areas in the Red Sea. Global Change Biology 27, 3956-3968.
DeCarlo T.M. (2020). The past century of coral bleaching in the Saudi Arabian central Red Sea. PeerJ 8, e10200.
DeCarlo T.M. (2020). Treating coral bleaching as weather: a framework to validate and optimize prediction skill. PeerJ 8, e9449.
DeCarlo T.M., Gajdzik L., Ellis J., Coker D.J., Roberts M.B., Hammerman N.M., Pandolfi J.M., Monroe A.A. & M.L. Berumen (2020). Nutrient-supplying ocean currents modulate coral bleaching susceptibility. Science Advances 6, eabc5493.
Reid E.C., Lentz S.J., DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., and K.A. Davis (2020). Physical processes determine spatial structure in water temperature and residence time on a wide reef flat. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 125, e2020JC016543.
Cavole L.M., & T.M. DeCarlo (2020). Early evidence of heat-induced coral bleaching in the Galápagos Islands. Reef Encounter 35, 68-72.
Davis K.A., Arthur R.S., Reid E.C., Rogers J.S., Fringer O.B., DeCarlo T.M., & A.L. Cohen (2020). Fate of internal waves on a shallow shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 125, e2019JC015377.
Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., DeCarlo T.M., Larcombe E., Moore B., Giltrow K., Puerzer F., D’Alexis Q., & M.T. McCulloch (2020). A coralline alga gains tolerance to ocean acidification over multiple generations of exposure. Nature Climate Change 10, 143-146.
DeCarlo T.M. & H.B. Harrison (2019). An enigmatic decoupling between heat stress and coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. PeerJ 7, e7473.
DeCarlo T.M., Harrison H.B., Gajdzik L., Alaguarda D., Rodolfo-Metalpa R., D’Olivo J., Liu G., Patalwala D., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Acclimatization of massive reef-building corals to consecutive heatwaves. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 20190235.
DeCarlo T.M., Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., Gajdzik L., Guagliardo P., Sadekov P., Thillainath E.C., Trotter J., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Investigating marine bio-calcification mechanisms in a changing ocean with in vivo and high-resolution ex vivo Raman spectroscopy. Global Change Biology 25, 1877-1888.
DeCarlo T.M., Ross C., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Diurnal cycles of coral calcifying fluid aragonite saturation state. Marine Biology 166, 28.
Smallhorn-West P.F., Garvin J.B., Slayback D.A., DeCarlo T.M., Gordon S.E., Fitzgerald S.H., Halafihi T., Jones G.P., & T.C.L. Bridge (2019). Coral reef annihilation, persistence and recovery at Earth’s youngest volcanic island. Coral Reefs 39, 529-536.
D’Olivo J.P., Ellwood G., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Deconvolving the long-term impacts of ocean acidification and warming on coral biomineralisation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 526, 115785.
Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., Pupier C.A., DeCarlo T.M., Alessi C., Trehern R., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Flow-driven micro-scale pH variability affects the physiology of corals and coralline algae under ocean acidification. Scientific Reports 9, 12829.
Ross C., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Calibration of Sr/Ca, Li/Mg, and Sr-U Paleothermometry in Branching and Foliose Corals. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 34, 1271-1291.
Reid E., DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Wong G.T.F., Lentz S., Safaie A., Hall A., & K.A. Davis (2019) Internal waves influence the thermal and nutrient environment on a shallow coral reef. Limnology and Oceanography 64, 1949-1965.
Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., DeCarlo T.M., Doo S.S., Carpenter R.C., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Resistance to ocean acidification in coral reef taxa is not gained by acclimatization. Nature Climate Change 9, 477-483.
Mollica N.R., Cohen A.L., Alpert A.E., Barkley H.C., Brainard R.E., Carilli J.E., DeCarlo T.M., Drenkard E.J., Lohmann P., Mangubhai S., Pietro K.R., Rivera H.E., Rotjan R.D., Scott-Buechler C., Solow A.R., & C.W. Young (2019). Skeletal records of bleaching reveal different thermal thresholds of Pacific coral reef assemblages. Coral Reefs 38, 743-757.
D'Olivo J.P., Georgiou L., Falter J., DeCarlo T.M., Irigoien X., Voolstra C.R., Roder C., Trotter J., & M.T. McCulloch (2019). Long-term impacts of the 1997-1998 bleaching event on the growth and resilience of massive Porites corals from the central Red Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 2019GC008312.
DeCarlo T.M. (2018). Characterizing coral skeleton mineralogy with Raman spectroscopy. Nature Communications 9, 5325.
DeCarlo T.M., Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Coral resistance to ocean acidification linked to increased calcium at the site of calcification. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20180564.
DeCarlo T.M., Farfan G., & H. Ren (2018). The origin and role of organic matrix in coral calcification: insights from comparing coral skeleton and abiogenic aragonite. Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 170.
DeCarlo T.M., Holcomb M., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Reviews and syntheses: Revisiting the boron systematics of aragonite and their application to coral calcification. Biogeosciences 15, 2819-2834.
Farfan G.A., Cordes E.E., Waller R.G., DeCarlo T.M., & C.M. Hansel (2018). Mineralogy of deep-sea coral aragonites as a function of aragonite saturation state. Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 473.
Ross C.L., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Environmental and physiochemical controls on coral calcification along a latitudinal temperature gradient in Western Australia. Global Change Biology 25, 431-447.
Barkley H.C., Cohen A.L., Mollica N.R., Brainard R.E., Rivera H.E., DeCarlo T.M., Lohmann G.P., Drenkard E.J., Alpert A.E., Young C.W., Vargas-Angel B., Lino K.C., Oliver T.A., Pietro K.R., & V.H. Luu (2018). Repeat bleaching of a central Pacific coral reef over the past six decades (1960-2016). Communications Biology 1, 177.
Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., DeCarlo T.M., Moore B., D’Alexis Q., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Resistance of corals and coralline algae to ocean acidification: physiological control of calcification under natural pH variability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20181168.
Comeau S., Cornwall C.E., DeCarlo T.M., Krieger E., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Similar controls on calcification under ocean acidification across unrelated reef taxa. Global Change Biology 24, 4857-4868.
Ross C.L., Schoepf V., DeCarlo T.M., & M.T. McCulloch (2018). Mechanisms and seasonal drivers of calcification in the temperate coral Turbinaria reniformis at its latitudinal limits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285, 20180215.
DeCarlo T.M., D’Olivo J.P., Foster T., Holcomb M., Becker T., & M.T. McCulloch (2017). Coral calcifying fluid aragonite saturation states derived from Raman spectroscopy. Biogeosciences 14, 5253-5269.
DeCarlo T.M. & A.L. Cohen (2017). Dissepiments, density bands and signatures of thermal stress in Porites skeletons. Coral Reefs 36, 749-761.
DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Wong G.T.F., Davis K.A., Lohmann P., & K. Soong (2017). Mass coral mortality under local amplification of 2°C ocean warming. Scientific Reports 7, 44586.
DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Wong G.T.F., Shiah F.K., Lentz S.J., Davis K.A., Shamberger K.E.F., & P. Lohmann (2017). Community production modulates coral reef pH and the sensitivity of ecosystem calcification to ocean acidification. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 122, 745-761. *Selected for AGU “Editor’s Highlights” section
DeCarlo T.M. (2017). Deriving coral skeletal density from computed tomography (CT): effects of scan and reconstruction settings. Matters Select.
Gajdzik L., & T.M. DeCarlo (2017). The perfect calm: reoccurring mass die-offs on a remote coral atoll. Matters.
Alpert A.E., Cohen A.L., Oppo D.W., DeCarlo T.M., Gaetani G.A., Hernandez-Delgado E.A., Winter A., & M.E. Gonneea (2017). Twentieth century warming of the tropical Atlantic captured by Sr-U paleothermometry. Paleoceanography 32, 146-160.
Lentz S.J., Davis K.A., Churchill J.H., & T.M. DeCarlo (2017). Coral reef drag coefficients – water depth dependence. Journal of Physical Oceanography 47, 1061-1075.
Ren H., Chen Y-C., Wang X.T., Wong G.T.F., Cohen A.L., DeCarlo T.M., Weigand M.A., Mii H-S., & D.M. Sigman (2017). 21st Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on a Remote Coral Reef. Science 356, 749-752.
Gonneea M.E., Cohen A.L., DeCarlo T.M., & M.A. Charette (2017). Relationship between water and aragonite barium concentrations in aquaria reared juvenile corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 209, 123-134.
Silbiger N.J. & T.M. DeCarlo (2017). Comment on “Bioerosion: the other ocean acidification problem”: on field studies and mechanisms. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74, 2489-2493.
Pan X., Wong G.T.F., DeCarlo T.M., Tai J-H., & A.L. Cohen (2017). Validation of the remotely sensed nighttime sea surface temperature in the shallow waters at the Dongsha Atoll. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 28, 517-524.
DeCarlo T.M., Gaetani G.A., Cohen A.L., Foster G.L., Alpert A.E., & J. Stewart (2016). Coral Sr-U Thermometry. Paleoceanography 31, 626-638.
Holcomb M., DeCarlo T.M., & M. McCulloch (2016). Factors affecting B/Ca ratios in synthetic aragonite. Chemical Geology 437, 67-76.
Alpert A.E., Cohen A.L., Oppo W.D., DeCarlo T.M., Gove J.M., & C.W. Young (2016). Comparison of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature variability and trends with Sr/Ca records from multiple corals. Paleoceanography 31, 252-265.
DeCarlo T.M., Gaetani G.A., Holcomb M. & A.L. Cohen (2015). Experimental determination of factors controlling U/Ca of aragonite precipitated from seawater: implications for interpreting coral skeleton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 162, 151-165.
DeCarlo T.M., Cohen A.L., Barkley H.C., Cobban Q., Young C., Shamberger K.E., Brainard R.E., & Y. Golbuu (2015). Coral macrobioerosion is accelerated by ocean acidification and nutrients. Geology 43, 7-10.
DeCarlo T.M., Karnauskas K.B., Davis K.A., & G.T.F. Wong. (2015). Climate modulates internal wave activity in the Northern South China Sea. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 831-838.
Barkley H.C., Cohen A.L., Golbuu Y., Starczak V.R., DeCarlo T.M., & K.E.F. Shamberger (2015). Changes in coral reef communities across a natural gradient in seawater pH. Science Advances 1, e1500328.
Holcomb M., DeCarlo T.M., Schoepf V., Dissard D., Tanaka K., & M. McCulloch. (2015). Cleaning and pre-treatment procedures for biogenic and synthetic calcium carbonate powders for determination of elemental and boron isotopic compositions. Chemical Geology 398, 11-21.